“Ramayan- An Indian Mythology series flash cards” is an innovative educational product designed to introduce kids to the fascinating characters of the Indian epic Ramayan in a fun and engaging way. The set includes a total of “Intro to Ramayan” character cards, each featuring a bright, colorful illustration of a major character from the story, such as Lord Rama, Sita, Laxman, Hanuman, and more.
On the reverse side of each card, there is a kid-friendly biography of the character, highlighting their unique traits, their role in the story, and interesting facts about them. These cards serve as an excellent resource for parents and educators looking to teach children about the rich cultural heritage and mythology of India.
The flashcards offer a creative and interactive way to learn about the characters of Ramayan. With their vivid illustrations and concise descriptions, kids can easily connect with the characters and gain a better understanding of their place in the story. These cards make a great addition to any classroom or home, as they not only provide valuable knowledge but also spark interest and curiosity in Indian mythology and history. Overall, “Ramayan- An Indian Mythology series flash cards” is a great tool for parents and educators to educate kids about the timeless story of Ramayan in a fun and engaging way.